About Suzanne Chappell

I help people with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue & Long COVID

reduce their pain and wake up feeling energised

so they can enjoy life again.

Suzanne Chappell is the Health Coach for the Aches Away & Energise Health Program.  She coaches online which includes some 1:1 consultations to people in NZ, Australia, UK and Canada.

She is also a specialist helping people with pain, using Pain Neutralization.  She originally trained as a Massage Therapist, and also studied Herbal Medicine for 3 and a 1/2 years in England in the 1980's (you don't need to buy herbs/products to do the Program).  

Suzanne also runs a clinic in Whangarei that specialises in Chronic Pain.

Suzanne found that physical treatments from most practitioners on their own did not help people with Fibromyalgia,  Chronic Fatigue or Long COVID. 

She teaches an at-home technique that helps these clients so they can help themselves at home daily to deal with the 3 Root Causes.  

By doing this at-home technique myself for the last 5 years, my dizziness, vertigo, migraines, headaches, foggy thinking, fatigue and upper back tightness and pain, sensitivity to light and sound, skin sensitivity, IBS, pain in the roots of her scalp hair, pressure on top of my head, being too hot, too cold, and anxiety and other symptoms are kept away.

If you want to learn this technique that is part of my Aches Away & Energize Health Program, email me: suzanne@achesawayandenergize.com with the words: Google Doc and your first and last name and I will send you all the details, including options and prices.

I help people in NZ Australia Canada or UK who have symptoms common to Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, M.E., and Long COVID